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Article “Der Bund”, the city council has said yes to the implementation loan.

Haltenrain residential development, Niederscherli Competition win (2024) in collaboration with Morger Partner Architekten and visualisations by Filippo Bolognese Images

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT appoints Maurus Schifferli as a university professor.
The Chair of ‘Landscape Architecture and Design’ sees itself as a synthesis centre in the service of teaching, science and practice.

Deisswil, Schwandihof - The historic estate with farmhouse, barn and gardens has been extensively renovated.
Architect: Rolf Mühlethaler, Bern

Wankdorfcity 3 - the piled-up city in the podcast

Taschenturmstrasse, direct commission, south facade of barn, inner courtyard by Maurus Schifferli and Bayerische Architektenkammer

Our team, consisting of Maurus Schifferli Landschaftsarchitekt, Boltshauserarchitekten and Schnetzer Puskas took first place in the workshop process for the transformation of the Kallmorgen office building in Hamburg. The project combines monument protection with modern functionality and creates attractive, sustainable open spaces. We are delighted to be able to realise this extraordinary project!

The ‘Masterplan - Basel Zoo’ project, which was designed to mark the zoo's 150th anniversary, envisages an ambitious expansion and partial renovation of the zoo. The winning design by Maurus Schifferli Landschaftsarchitekten in collaboration with Boltshauser Architekten was selected as part of a competition in 2023.


New members of the Executive Board

Wankdorfcity 3 - Interview with Maurus Schifferli on RSI "a Berna sta nascendo "una piccola Berna"

Competition 1st price - Study assignement - Farnbühlpark, Wohlen
In collaboration with Miller & Maranta Architects, Basel

Maurus Schifferli has the pleasure of taking part in a panel discussion on the topic "open space in an international context" on March 18th, at Markuskirche Bern

HOCHPARTERRE Review: STRATEGIES OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, Maurus Schifferli (click here to find out)

Competition 2nd prize - Study assignement - Ankenhof
In collaboration with Penzel Valier Architects, Zürich

Brunne Zytig - Article on the Unesco Management Plan (click here to find out more)

Competition 1st prize - Aeschenplatz Basel - Multifunctional City Modul
In cooperation with Staufer & Hasler Architects and Graser Troxler Architects

Maurus Schifferli will have the pleasure of giving a lecture on November 9th at the symposium "Constructed Natures KIT" (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) on the topic "Colloquium Constructed Natures".

Maurus Schifferli lecture on Shaping Future Environments at the ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture, October 31st.

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