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Wankdorfcity 3 - Interview with Maurus Schifferli on RSI "a Berna sta nascendo "una piccola Berna"
Competition 1st price - Study assignement - Farnbühlpark, Wohlen
In collaboration with Miller & Maranta Architects, Basel
Maurus Schifferli has the pleasure of taking part in a panel discussion on the topic "open space in an international context" on March 18th, at Markuskirche Bern
HOCHPARTERRE Review: STRATEGIES OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, Maurus Schifferli (click here to find out)
Competition 2nd prize - Study assignement - Ankenhof
In collaboration with Penzel Valier Architects, Zürich
Brunne Zytig - Article on the Unesco Management Plan (click here to find out more)
Competition 1st prize - Aeschenplatz Basel - Multifunctional City Modul
In cooperation with Staufer & Hasler Architects and Graser Troxler Architects
Maurus Schifferli will have the pleasure of giving a lecture on November 9th at the symposium "Constructed Natures KIT" (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) on the topic "Colloquium Constructed Natures".
Maurus Schifferli lecture on Shaping Future Environments at the ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture, October 31st.
On June 3rd 2023, the “Zolli” Basel celebrated the opening of the new bird house including an extension and new outdoor facilities for small-clawed otters and pelicans.
Competition 1st prize - Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte, overall urban development
In collaboration with Silvia Gmür Reto Gmür Architects, Basel
Research trip to Ernst Götsch, Brasil
As part of the RBS train depot project in Bätterkinden, the first test walls were planted with moss. Together with the greening of the tracks, this measure is part of the ambitious sustainability concept of the pioneering project.
In collaboration with Penzel Valier AG, Zürich and Ingold Gartenbau.
Competition 1st prize – Feltschen, Biglen, double sports hall
In collaboration with Rolf Mühlethaler, Architect BSA SIA, Bern
Study assignement - new church Witikon
In collaboration with Penzel Valier Architects, Zürich
Wankdorfcity 3 - a stacked city emerges
In collaboration with Rolf Mühlethaler Architects, Bern / Meili Peter + Partner, Zürich / E2A Architects, Zürich / Bob Gysin Partner BGP, Zürich / Bauart Architects + Partner, Bern
The Schulthess Garden Award 2022 honors the revival of chestnut culture in Svizzera italiana
Competition 1st prize - Berlin, Charité - Campus Benjamin Franklin
In collaboration with Silvia Gmür Reto Gmür Architects, Basel
Studienauftrag BINN, Schmidigehischere
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